Thursday, December 2, 2010

exam week = over?

Today most of my friends have been celebrating the end of exam week. They even went to eat some sorta steak that they feel is epic. Steak... come on... can people get more random than that? I guess not. I love my friends, even if they suddenly decide to travel to keskusta to eat some certain steak. <3

Exam week isn't over for me. Since I was sick last week, I missed two exams, and will have to take them later. You know how much that sucks? Additionally, I have to turn in my math notebook which has maybe five complete problems in it, and my Finnish portfolio which is yet to be put together. Once I find the parts to it, that is.

Being sick was extra fail, and going to the stables with fever on the first day really wasn't my brightest idea. I was sorta scared I was going to develop pneumonia or something after that horse riding experience, but luckily I didn't. I was actually good enough to go ice-skating on Saturday with Noora and a bunch of German weirdos. :)

1st of December has passed, which means that I've taken out my calendar. <3 I'm so happy I have one this year, since last year I didn't, until like the 20th day... Makes my mornings just a bit more cheerful.

I just had some sorta mindfuck moment. Wait what, Willi, you're reading this shit? :D Damn. I would'a pointed this out to you on MSN, but it's 1.30 am soon, and SYK people had their bedtime ages ago. Just tellin' you, I know you're out there, somewhere, even though I hardly see you anymore. :(

Workworkwork. Lukio maybe wasn't the right choice for me. Too much to do, too little time. Since so many people can do it, I should be able to as well. Just got to get it together. ^^ 3rd period starts tomorrow, it means another chance for a fresh start.