Thursday, December 2, 2010

exam week = over?

Today most of my friends have been celebrating the end of exam week. They even went to eat some sorta steak that they feel is epic. Steak... come on... can people get more random than that? I guess not. I love my friends, even if they suddenly decide to travel to keskusta to eat some certain steak. <3

Exam week isn't over for me. Since I was sick last week, I missed two exams, and will have to take them later. You know how much that sucks? Additionally, I have to turn in my math notebook which has maybe five complete problems in it, and my Finnish portfolio which is yet to be put together. Once I find the parts to it, that is.

Being sick was extra fail, and going to the stables with fever on the first day really wasn't my brightest idea. I was sorta scared I was going to develop pneumonia or something after that horse riding experience, but luckily I didn't. I was actually good enough to go ice-skating on Saturday with Noora and a bunch of German weirdos. :)

1st of December has passed, which means that I've taken out my calendar. <3 I'm so happy I have one this year, since last year I didn't, until like the 20th day... Makes my mornings just a bit more cheerful.

I just had some sorta mindfuck moment. Wait what, Willi, you're reading this shit? :D Damn. I would'a pointed this out to you on MSN, but it's 1.30 am soon, and SYK people had their bedtime ages ago. Just tellin' you, I know you're out there, somewhere, even though I hardly see you anymore. :(

Workworkwork. Lukio maybe wasn't the right choice for me. Too much to do, too little time. Since so many people can do it, I should be able to as well. Just got to get it together. ^^ 3rd period starts tomorrow, it means another chance for a fresh start.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

grow the fuck up

People say guys mature when they start with high school and realize they are in control of their own lives. Well, I can tell you something, mmorpg players NEVER grow up. It's just one of their features, or at least it appears to be.

Had a blast, but it was enough. Learning when the right time is to shut the fuck up; = a great skill. Not much more to say is there now?

Sold muffins today at school. Again. One of the teachers is starting to wonder which grade I'm actually in, since I can be often spotted attending a 7th grade class or raising money with the 9th graders. Who cares, I'm up for helping. It's chill anyway. Had good conversations with Somaya; nice to know there's someone who agrees with me on certain things. :)

Finished the god damn essay for Finnish. Four pages on why the compulsory military service is better than the hired army. I'm glad about how it turned out and stand behind my opinion. Compulsory military service is far smarter and better for our country. End of discussion. Still got that one essay due Friday, thank god it can be a bit shorter. Oh, and hell yea, I'm passing the geography course! Aiming to pass all courses this period. :D

Seems like my life revolves around studies. It doesn't really, it's just that exam week is coming up and the teachers made this period weird by stacking all the work to be done during the last week. I'm still hanging in there, as long as I get my projects sent in on time!

I guess it's time to go to sleep. Let's hope tomorrow is a bit better and I'm able to finish with that horridly complicated book...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

too much to handle

I still feel completely overloaded with work. Tomorrow I have a some random Swedish verb quiz, a math quiz and my geography project due. I should also work on sending the email about the possibility of a cruise around and make an attempt to clean my room before hitting the streets at about 6pm.

And yes, I already failed NaNoWriMo 2010. With too much to do, and too little time, participating this year was impossible. Also I'm slightly messed up emotionally, so I need some space to think about things as well. :)

I'm also waiting for snow. In some ways I dislike winter, but I do prefer snow over rain. Riding horses in the snowy weather is fun too, and who doesn't like Christmas? Also snow means my birthday is coming up. I don't think I've ever celebrated my birthday in Finland with no snow. I hope the weather gets colder, so the snow will come faster, and perhaps I'll even learn to iPhone type with frozen fingers this year! :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

halloween time

One bright morning, in the middle of the night. Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other. Pulled their knives and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise and came and killed the two dead boys.

Saw the movies Haunting in Connecticut and Saw this weekend. Again. Haunting in Connecticut ain't scary, but I like the story line anyway. It's interesting, and the first time I saw it I have to admit I didn't expect it to end like it does. Recommend it to all. Thanks for the company, you never at making me smile. :) 

suck it up

"hi i was helping you build your house because I am bored and found this gold in your yard and sold it because you said you want it"

Alright. Stealing ain't right but shut the fuck up and suck it up, it's just a game.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

messed up week...

Friends. Bleh. One moment you got them all for you and then one of them leaves, or is lost. This week one of my friends left, and I realized there's one I've lost too. Messed up week, I gotta say. Been super busy, had a retake exam and helped with the 70'th anniversary show. This week has been exhausting, emotional, and fun at the same time. I really don't know what to expect next, which things are going to change during the following weeks, and how they are going to change me. 

In some ways I'm sick of acting like you're dead or have been sent to Mars with a one-way ticket, but Joachim showing us that map and the distance, 10,000 km, just didn't make me feel any better. I can't get the image out of my head. Next week might be a bit of a mess, having to attend classes and all without you. I believe with the help of all the other awesome people in school I'll be alright, just not yet. I need some space. I know you'll be back and all, but really, it's just not the same.

I wish I could go back to last summer, when that picture was taken. We were just about to finish grade 9 and had no idea which school we were going to be accepted to. It was a bit exciting, but the main thing on our mind was finishing lower secondary and celebrating summer with friends. Everything was so relaxed, and October was far away. I would die for that feeling and moment. 

Chilling alone in an apartment in Eira leaves me with plenty of time to think. Saw an important person today too, which was great, but now I'm alone again for a change. Well, not exactly alone, there's this bulldog here. She's insanely cute, even though her snoring keeps me awake. Additionally, some Halloween theme movie is shown on TV right now, and this dog, well, she freaks out every time someone screams in the movie. :(

Anyway. Spending the night alone, in peace, with good music and WoW, I might just be able to relax a little bit. This week has been a mess, and I really need some time to think. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Shitloads of stuff has happened today, both good and bad. I guess I gotta sort out my thoughts on a few people and events now, so next week and the rest of my life won't be completely messed up. Some space to think about things is what I need, but I won't be getting any until maybe next week? Unless I talk through my thoughts with someone that's also going to Qtis (camp).

How will I be able to study for my retake, finish my religion coursework and take care of all the dogs next week? When will I fit in time to help out Kirsten? Bake the food for the bake sale to help support the grade 9 India trip? Do all my homework so I don't fail my courses, and maybe even see some friends? And most importantly, what will I fix for Anna? Grrrr, insane stress!

Next week is FULL.

Alright, even though the UN quiz was canceled (fuck it -.-), and I'm clueless on how to manage my time, today I got to know which commission I'm in for THIMUN. Sirpa saved my day by telling me that she placed me in the Human Rights Commission, Subcommission 1, just like I wanted. Thanks. <3

Monday, October 18, 2010

on twitter

Find me on twitter as LAGU3R1T4. Don't ask why, it's one of the several nicknames my friends have given me. :)


Esperanza just has to be the most beautiful word I know. If I ever have a daughter, Esperanza will totally be her middle name! I don't know why I love it so much, it just has so much meaning, even though I'm hardly hopeful at all. Just one of these things you can't explain. ;>


National Novel Writing Month is here again, in two weeks I heard. I've been hearing about it from Anna for the past two (?) years, and I got to say I'm pretty tempted to participate this year. I know it's something most people would never think I'd get caught up wondering about. Why won't I write then? Firstly, I have no writing skills or plans. Secondly, I've got so much on my mind the outcome could be rather personal. Lastly, writing an insane amount of words everyday on my computer would be a challenge, I've also got WoW, you know. :)

If the topics for each day didn't have to be tied together in something that resembled a novel, alright, I would have a chance. Just ranting about something that pisses me off or cheers me up everyday is easy, just those small things. How to bind them to a bigger piece, maybe say it's someone's diary and they are entries? I don't know really. Would be pretty imba to finish NaNoWriMo 2010 succesfully, though.

I've still got two weeks to chew the end of my pencil and think about it. If I do end up participating, with my motivation, I can't stop until it's over.

life is like a rollercoaster

Everything is okay with one friend, but damn, you're stuck in this fucking complicated fight with another one, wondering if your friendship will last through it or not. You fix things, life seems great, until... One of your other friends backstabs you in some way....

Sound familiar? Indeed. Nothing ever seems fine for more than a few hours, and even then it's not perfect, you're just denying the negativity.

At moments like this, things just seem so fucking fucked up. Ignoring your friends just isn't the way to go. I made that mistake, I know, but he made me learn from it. Should I make you learn from it too?

as makes its way to our world...

Back to this shit, again. Blogging is just some type of addiction, and I've got no idea why I decided to continue after my one and a half year break. Since a server crash caused my previous blog to vanish, I lost all my interest in writing. Now that is making it's way on the internet, I wanted to start bullshitting you all before the actual real deal is up and running.

The secret reason behind why blogging interests me again, is that it might just be one way Anna and I will stay in better connection and know what is going on in each others lives. Keeping my fingers crossed she won't just randomly quit writing! Thumbs down for friends that move away right when the exciting times in life begin.

While waiting for to be up in around January - February 2011, this blog will work as a replacement. :)